The tremolo symbol between two notes doesn't honor tuplets

• Oct 15, 2017 - 09:30

I'm working with Musescore 2.1

Take a quarter note, choose triplets and fill the duration with a single dotted quarter note, then double click on the single note tremolo symbol and finally play. The playback is correct.
Now take a quarter note, choose triplets, fill the duration with two dotted eigth notes, select both and double click on the two note tremolo symbol and finally play. Playback seems to ignore the triplets.

In the attached file, first is the desired result. This should be equivalent to the second one. However, the rhythm is as if no tuplet were selected, just the normal eight 32nd notes that fill a quarter note. The third one is similar to the second but both notes in the tremolo are the same. This should match the fourth, which is an alternative writing. However, th fourth is as ecpected, in contrast with the third one

Attachment Size
Test tuplets 1.mscz 8.12 KB

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