GSoC 2018: Machine Learning Dataset for OMR - Week 4

Posted 6 years ago

Hola! :D
It's hard to believe that it had been a month working on this project. Feels like I started it a week ago only :)
The project is quite engaging and learning is high.

Bringing to everyone this weeks analysis:

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We are done with:
1. Porting the OMR work from imeta to master.
2. Grace Notes Implementation for OMR tackling the issue:
3. Bracket Implementation for OMR tackling the issue:
4. Tuplet Implementation for OMR tackling the issue:
5. Time Signature Upper and Lower Halves annotation for OMR tackling the issue:
6. Rest Dot Implementation for OMR tackling the issue:
7. Simple Image URL for OMR tackling the issue:
8. Staccato Dot for OMR tackling the issue:
9. SMuFL symbols identifier for OMR tackling the issue:
10. Repeat dot implementation for OMR tackling the issue:
11. Crash error rectification while XML generation. - An issue which was faced while testing it on different kind of scores.

Added: Testing of scores on Musescore so that they generate XMLs. The application has been tested on a dataset of 988 scores and it works perfectly.

Currently, for few scores, there happens to be an error while generating the control images by the omr tool about which an issue has been raised on the issue tracker of omr-dataset-tools: to discuss with Herve the root cause of the problem and rectify it.

Key accomplishments this week

Testing of scores on Musescore so that they generate XMLs. Some minor issues while testing that came up were resolved. It works awesomely on the scores.
Active PR:

Key tasks that stalled

Tasks in the upcoming week:
As discussed with Lasconic: Try backporting these changes to the imeta branch and then rebasing it with the branch 2.3 to see if everything works fine. Moreover, once we are through with the errors, send the scores to Herve for further testing. If we get time left for the week, better the implementation of tuplets and grace notes.

Hope things go well and we successfully complete the project. :)

Have a Good Day,