Piano Sonata no. 1 in progress

• Aug 2, 2018 - 20:36

Right now I'm thinking primarily about the first and second themes of the exposition. The development is going to be a fugue in C minor. Since I want the development in C minor but the key of the First Movement as a whole is in D minor, I want the second theme to be in G minor. I have thought out the base of it down to where the pedal is pressed and dynamics. As you can probably tell from the triplets, I plan on having the whole movement be legato except when I mark otherwise.

I am aiming for more Beethoven style but right now the base sounds more like Chopin with an almost constant 2:3 polyrhythm. The triplets, quiet dynamics, pedal used for an entire measure or almost an entire measure, that was from the inspiration I got from the Moonlight sonata.

I want the exposition to feel like you are sleeping soundly and the development to feel like you are uncertain about whether you are safe.

Here is the base I have for the sonata so far(just the exposition, writing the fugue for the development, I think will be the toughest part of composing the sonata) :

Attachment Size
Piano Sonata no. 1 Base.mscz 35.36 KB

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