Examples of Triad Chord Progressions in C, G, and D major for teaching students

• Dec 14, 2018 - 19:21

For anyone who teaches music or interested in learning chord progressions, I made a document with examples of chord progressions using different inversions of the same triad chord for two different chord progressions that are commonly used... I - IV- V is the first chord progression and ii -V- I is the second chord progression....
Chords are in C, D, and G major starting with the scale triad chord degrees followed by the two chord progressions for each of the three major keys.
The inverted first chords are labeled with a 1 inside the top note that's colored or not black.
The second inverted chords are labeled with a 2 inside of the middle note that is colored or not black.
Chords in the regular position (not inverted) have a colored bottom note that correlates with the scale degree ( I. through vii*. as shown in the scale ) .

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