Dynamic Annotations for Orchestral Scores

• Apr 6, 2020 - 12:39

Good morning dear Musescore mofos,

i'm really a beginner into musescore scripting, so I would like to check if the thing I would like to do is possible before throwing myself into the programmer's arena...

We are actually working on a project involving orchestral recordings and score, and we would like to annotate the score with a given set of orchestral effects (timbre blending, segmentation, differentiation between foreground and backgroud, etc.)
These annotations should be then exported into a file readable by Python (so a .json, an .xml, or whatever). I think this would not be a problem, but the real question is : is there possible to develop a plug-in easing such annotations (for example, selecting specific measures of instruments and annotate them as background, linking measures together), with user feedback and easy annotations?

Thank you very much for your help!

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