Eliminating corrupt notes and rests from converted PDF's

• Oct 13, 2020 - 01:00

I have a feature request. I'd like to eliminate notes or rests in a measure. The measure is part of a converted score that, due to the conversion, contains corrupt measures. To "eliminate" means that the notes or rests wouldn't be replaced with rests, but that everything after the eliminated note or rest moves to the left.

As an example, in the next image the rests in the colored boxes need to be eliminated:


(BTW, there are more rests that need to be eliminated.)

To a degree I can already do this. I can click a rest and press ctrl-del. But if I try to eliminate the rests in the blue boxes, the "legitimate" notes underneath, e.g. the notes in the triplets on the piano staves, are about to be eliminated as well and I'll get the message "Please select the complete tuplet and retry the command". (Which is a correct message.) In the piano staves however, I'd like to eliminate the rests in the purple (!) boxes.

If I would want to eliminate all rests on the same position in all staves, the way it works now, then I'd like to draw a rectangle, and press ctrl-del.

Eliminating one rest in one stave can result into different measure durations per stave. When correcting converted PDF's, I already had these and MuseScore works fine with them. (Awesome. :-) ) When opening the score I do get the message that it contains corrupt measures, but that's pretty much it.

I can also imagine that there's a measure with notes and rests that exceed the measure duration, but that eliminating a long note or rest would give a duration that's too short. That's the rest in the green box. (That's the only part that I photoshopped.) Then I find it logical if the eliminated note or rest is replaced with a shorter rest, probably at the end of the measure, but that's not carved in stone.

I also find it logical that notes or rests can only be eliminated as long as the "Actual Measure Duration" is more than the "Nominal Measure Duration":


If it's easier to fix corrupt scores, then I expect more scores to be uploaded to MuseScore and available for others to download. ;-)

If I missed something, then please let me know.

Thanks to everybody who's creating and supporting MuseScore. :-)

Comparable topics:

(BTW, How do insert that link in the proper way?)

- To mike320 , kuwitt , frfancha and underquark, thank you all for your feedback when I initially suggested this idea. That was very useful.
- I agree that it's better to make improvements at the source. In this case that would be Audiveris. But I don't expect the result from any OMR to be 100% perfect anytime soon. Corrections will always be needed. I also think that some types of corrections are less work for me manually, than it's for a programmer during a conversion.
- I know that I can get to the desired result by copying the correct notes and rests to an empty measure and then eliminating the "corrupt" measure. For a few measures that's doable, but if I have a score with 100 or 200 measures, that's a lot of work.
- I hope I'm not making the impression that "I know it all". I am mainly trying to submit a feature request that's as complete as possible, and that anticipates most situations that can occur.
- For those who want to to test, I added a fragment of a corrupt score.

Attachment Size
CorruptMeasures.mscz 14.36 KB

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