GSoC 2021 - Week 5 - Tempo Popup

Posted 3 years ago

Hey Everyone!

I am almost done with the Tempo Popup. Over the last week, I've fixed all of the bugs related to the popup and the element, and cleaned up the legacy code. This included:

  • The new element is fully integrated with the palette
  • The popup opens for newly elements created without a restart
  • All import/export formats except musicxml now use the modified TempoText Element
  • The element now renders equations using symbols and not unicode characters

Over the course of this week I plan to:

  • Integrate musicxml import/export with the modified TempoText element
  • Fix the issue caused by my original Element Popup PR with the inspector
  • Clean up and remove all legacy TempoText code to the get PR ready for review

This week should most likely mark the end of the Tempo Popup part of my project.

You can track my progress in my PR here