MuseScore v4.0 - Request 02: Auto scroll during playback — Full screen scroll option when zoomed in.

• Apr 2, 2022 - 23:52

Presently (in MuseScore 3.6.2) if I’m in PageView while zoomed and MuseScore scrolls during playback, it only shifts the score upwards one system. This means that MuseScore has to scroll everytime it reaches the end of each system.

I’d like to see a setting that tells MuseScore to scroll one screen worth, placing the newly shown system at the top of the screen. The result would be much less scrolling.

Additionally I’d like to see a setting for for a “read ahead” distance that triggers scrolling before MuseScore playback reaches the end of the system. Ideally this would be a score setting, perhaps initially populated by a Preference user defined default); and located in the Play Panel … or in whatever panel is destined to become the ideal “practice control panel.” (This has been requested elsewhere. I'll see if I can find it and post a link.)


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