UX/UI : Copying text pastes as text size instead of text when text size was modified

• Nov 6, 2022 - 18:01


I did a search and could not find a report.
Maybe this is of some interest.

How to reproduce the behavior :
1. Select text (the text is highlighted in blue)
2. Modify text size through the increment buttons (the text-size and the text are now highlighted in blue)
3. Copy with CTRL+C
4. Paste elsewhere with CTRL+V
5. The text-size was pasted

Problem: There is an ambiguity on whether it is the text or the text-size that is copied, indeed, both are highlighted. I though I was copying text whereas I was actually copying the text-size
Suggestion: Not selecting the text-size when modified through buttons
Alternative: Drop the text highlight when the text-size is selected

Thank you for everything,
Amazing software!

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 3224f34

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