Inconsistent Chinese font in Musescore (Windows)

• Dec 6, 2022 - 13:07

(Windows version, UI fonts) Chinese characters display in serif font. It would be inconsistent because on-screen fonts is normally sans-serif.

To give an illustration, English language in Musescore displays in 'Segoe UI' which is Windows default font. However Simplified Chinese(简体中文) displays in 'Simsun'(宋体) which is WinXP(and earlier) default Simplified Chinese font, also is a serif font.

'Simsun' displayed as bitmap under LowDPI, it's ugly but easy to read. Unfortunately high resolution screens are starting to spread and 'Simsun' displayed as a vector font under HiDPI. Its serifs make it hard to read.

To match with ‘Segoe UI’, Modern Windows systems use ‘Microsoft YaHei’(微软雅黑) or ‘Microsoft YaHei UI’ as the default Simplified Chinese font. I think maybe Qt did not adapt to this change. So hope Musescore specify ‘Microsoft YaHei’ font for Simplified Chinese language.

Attachment Size
2022-12-06 190008.png 70.81 KB
2022-12-06 185923.png 48.41 KB
Compare.png 19.22 KB

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