Muse Sounds for winds sound like sections vs instruments?

• Dec 16, 2022 - 03:49

Hi all, I've been bringing my scores from MS3 into MS4 with the new Muse Sounds libraries - the piece I'm currently looking at is for a jazz combo: Soprano Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, and rhythm section. The new samples sound fine, but it sounds like multiple players in a stereo format and they don't play with the same intonation or even rhythmic accuracy - like the sounds are being triggered multiple times per note or something. Anyone have any similar experiences? And if so, any ideas on what it could be/how to fix it?

I'll attach the file to see if y'all can hear the same thing.

Attachment Size
Left_my_Heart_in_Republic_City.mscz 75.45 KB

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