Two playback issues, one from Musescore 3, the other new with Musescore 4

• Dec 17, 2022 - 02:38

Howdy, I've been working on a score with Musescore 4 that I started writing with Musescore 3. Both have to do with note durations not being respected in playback.

In the first image, the tied C with the diamond notehead is not playing for its indicated length - as if rather than a half note there was a rest in its place. This issue I noticed in Musescore 3 as well. I was able to get it to play for a time if I replaced the notes or the tie, but that was always a temporary fix - it would always revert to not playing. With Musescore 4 nothing I do fixes it for any period of time. This issue persists if the same notes are placed somewhere else in the score, it persists when the measures are cleared and manually restored. The issue began before I added any other instruments to the score and I do not see this issue with any other similar ties across measures within the piece.

The second, perhaps similar issue was not one that I noticed in Musescore 3. The D in the bottom bass clef does not play back for its full duration, which is meant to be two whole notes long. There are 4 such Ds in this section of the piece, all occurring at the same point in time while the guitar part above repeats itself as well - the latter 3 Ds don't play back correctly, but curiously, the first one does.

Attachment Size
errortie.png 19.61 KB
errorbass.png 10.52 KB

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