MuseSounds Playback Problems

• Dec 17, 2022 - 04:08

Attempting to playback my score (which was originally from MS 3.6.2) in Musescore 4 with MuseSounds has resulted in three problems:

1) Every time I hit play, there are random loud noises. The correct notes can be heard, but they are often overshadowed (or under shadowed in the case of a random string bass sound) by those loud noises. They seem to nearly subside after some time.
2) The suspended cymbal sound cannot be heard.
3) Two measures after a time signature change late in the piece (change from D minor/F major to E minor/G major in Senior movement), all the MuseSounds soundfonts stop playing; only the MS Basic ones continue playing (see second video linked).

Probable causes:
1) My score is just too big: I am writing a symphony and it's almost 40 minutes long as of the time I am writing this (also explains why I struggle with uploading it to the cloud); however, some of the playback issues were not present when I had this file in 3.6.2 (mainly most of the soundfonts stopping after a certain point)
2) Sound output: I may need to try a different sound output, but I currently do not have the resources to do so.
3) Maybe use the actual sus. cym. staff instead of a viola staff with the sus. cym. soundfont?: In 3.6.2, I had to use an external suspended cymbal soundfont + hidden viola staff to get the suspended cymbal sound. I kept the viola staff but just changed the soundfont to the MuseSounds suspended cymbal soundfont, and it has worked on a few occasions.

Attached is the score. The two videos displaying the issues are linked.

Loud noises:
Soundfonts stopping:

Attachment Size
The Adventure.mscz 483.59 KB

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