Audio disconnection crashes MuseScore

• Dec 19, 2022 - 15:42

I only have a single audio output enabled in windows. When my Bluetooth headset disconnects there is no activated audio output and MuseScore 4 seems to crash. Video demo:

Log file (idk if relevant):
2022-12-19T16:15:18.384 | INFO | main_thread | AppShell | run: activeThreadCount: 0
2022-12-19T16:15:18.535 | ERROR | main_thread | WasapiAudioClient | setStateAndNotify:
2022-12-19T16:15:18.536 | ERROR | 4884 | WasapiAudioClient | setStateAndNotify:
2022-12-19T16:15:18.556 | WARN | main_thread | WinMidiInPort | stop: already stoped
2022-12-19T16:15:19.000 | INFO | main_thread | | main: Goodbye!! code: 0

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.0-223472200, revision: 5485621

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