Single note tremolos play as between note tremolos on chords

• Dec 23, 2022 - 20:26

Hello people of MuseScore,

HUGE congratulations on the new update! MuseSounds is absolutely incredible and I'm so grateful for all the work you've put in to make it happen. I've noticed a small bug though—when I put a 32nd note tremolo or higher on a chord of 2 or more notes (often necessary for divisi strings, etc.), it acts as a between-note tremolo alternating between the notes in the chord. If there are three or more notes, it tremolos between the highest and lowest, completely ignoring the middle note(s).

Attached is an example of what's happening. Just wanted to bring this to your attention so it can be fixed. Thank you for everything you've given us in MuseScore 4 :)

Attachment Size
Tremolo Test.mscz 15.03 KB

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