Muse Sounds piano playback issues

• Dec 23, 2022 - 23:16

I've noticed a couple of issues with piano playback and I want to make sure it's not just me!

1) The D5 pitch has a weird metallic twang to it. I've noticed this with the piano sound in general, especially with softer dynamics it almost seems like the soft pedal is constantly down.

2) When connected to AirPods, everything sounds about three quarter tone flat. This goes away immediately when switching to my PC's built-in audio in Preferences.

These issues have sadly kept me from using MuseScore 4 -- I just can't justify the switch when Equinox Grand Pianos soundfont on MS 3 arguably sounds better, which is a shame because the strings in MS 4 have been terrific. But I look forward to improvements that will be rolled out in the future.

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