Adding note to score causes instrument(s) to stop playback

• Dec 24, 2022 - 08:28

Piano Trio set up, B minor, 4/4 time, Tempo set 71,

1) Produce a slurred section of 8th notes in a string instrument measure.

2) Have the following measure start with a rest, which can be any value, but must end with a passage(see image 1).

3) Add (a) note(s) to either stringed instrument of any value in place of the rest. The new note(s) will sound for their given duration, however, any notes after will not. (see image 2)

I found this to be reproducible on my end, with different notes of pitches and lengths. Deleting the note(s), after they have been placed, will not change if the following is played, once they have been placed the playback for the instrument(s) will cease from that point. Going through the breath mark seems to reset the player, and the notes will play again. Occasionally, only the string instruments will cease playback, other times all the instruments will cease playback. Closing and reopening the program did not fix the issue. Recreating the problem in a new document, just the issue, wouldn't work, however, I did not have the same parameters set either. Not a critical issue, but kind of a pain to work around.

Attachment Size
MSBug01.png 52.23 KB
MSBug02.png 53 KB

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