Extra marcato spacing created on edit

• Dec 26, 2022 - 19:38

My system -- OS: macOS 10.15, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.0-223472200, revision: 5485621

(See attached score with demo and instructions to reproduce.)

Extra space is added for marcatos in the first measure of a system when an edit is made in the system directly above it.

To reproduce in a piano score.
- Create a score that has several systems on a page
- The first measure of the bottom system should have notes with marcato (articulation is above the note, not staccato-like over the note head).
- The system directly above the bottom should have some notes in it.
- Make an edit in the notes in the second-to-last system.

Extra spacing will be added to the marcato, so they look like they jump higher when the edit was made. The extra spacing can be fixed by making some edit in the measure with marcato. That edit can be undone, preserving the corrected spacing.

Attachment Size
marcato bug.mscz 25.57 KB

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