Proposal for new functionalities for string harmonics

• Dec 28, 2022 - 00:22

Dear all,
While being extremely grateful for your work, I have some suggestions for features that I think could be worth implementing for the next software updates.
I do have noticed the "harmonics" text function being recognised by the Muse Sound engine, and playing beautifully with a proper "string harmonics" sound.

However, I still find this function could be furtherly improved: currently, the "harmonics" text in the default text palette seems to trigger a different branch of sound samples in the muse library (?), which seem to be pitched one octave higher than the written notes. But since Muse Sound is so beautifully sounding, I suggest it could be really worth to modify the current system for pitch-attribution to match instead the traditional notation of harmonics for the string instruments -- major thirds, perfect fourths, fifths and octaves chords with the upper note having a hollow diamond head.
I would really love to help you in this, but I really don't know anything about coding and programming (therefore, I also hope this is not an impossible task).

Thank you!

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