Insert Measures in score with multiple parts

• Jan 5, 2023 - 03:03

I can't finish a score because I forgot to add some measures but adding them in between corrupts my MuseScore 4 score and file.

Here is a video I made to show my problem in a very reproduceable way.

Steps (in written form):
1. create/open a score with multiple parts, e.g. Voice and Piano (template)
2. add some notes to see the change(s) better
3. change (or stay) to the "Main score"
4. in between the notes add measures, e.g. by rightclicking on the third of four measures, select "Insert measures" > "After selection..." and enter 4
5. open all/other parts of the score, e.g. Voice or Piano
6. change (or stay) to the single part, e.g. Voice OR Piano
7. see the corruption
8. optionally: save and re-open to see the warning message about a corrupted file

Since I would really like to finish my current work, I welcome ideas/things to try or workarounds.

Not 100% sure if this is a bug or what I'm doing wrong so I create this Forum post/topic instead.

I didn't upload a score file (.mscz) because it is so highly reproduceable.
But feel free to let me know, if you can't access that video linked above.

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