A few issues I spotted concerning dynamics and fermatas

• Jan 5, 2023 - 15:11

This has probably already been stated, but since MuseScore isn't relying on midi cc editing and whatever it's doing to equate the phrasing for the dynamics at any specified dynamic such as piano, forte etc, this has been leading to issues where a series of phrases at a dynamic such as mf or f are dipping in and out of far lower dynamics, seemingly for no apparent reason. It doesn't sound natural, and I think for future updates there really needs to be more control for the user other than just the faders to fix sections that just randomly get quiet all of a sudden.

Fermatas lead to a playback issue where the playback lags when it gets to a new bar at the original tempo. There's a slow down, then that slow down carries over onto the next note of the new bar. This in no way can be intentional and I'm surprised this was not picked up in quality control. Most notation software I know of like Sibelius and Dorico don't really bother implementing actual playback for fermatas and pauses as I imagine it's an absolute nightmare to programme and account for very specific playback scenarios the composer wants, so I understand if this is not a pressing matter. However, the fade and transition into the next bar should probably be addressed for a new update if possible or just scrapped as previously I believe users just used a rit followed by a specific tempo marking.

It would be nice to have in the tempo 'a tempo' to default to the original tempo of the piece, rather than having to insert the original MM again.

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