Changing the playback tempo of this tune makes playback flaky.

• Jan 11, 2023 - 17:30

This seems strange to me, but I have tested it many times. If I playback this tune at 100% tempo, it plays back fine...every time. If I slow the tempo (I've tried 95% and 75%, each several times) playback starts to jump all over the place, especially after it reaches the last 5 or 6 measures before the repeat. From there it sounds like it jumps back to the beginning early and it sounds to me like it's playing both the remaining of the music up to the repeat and the beginning phrases at the same time. Then sometimes it gets about half way through the repeated section and it jumps to the repeat sign and continues with the second ending and the rest of the tune. Departure.mscz

Attachment Size
Departure.mscz 36.74 KB

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