Adjusting system width with leading space

• Feb 2, 2023 - 16:17

In version 3 when I had a system that broke to a new staff line, in situations where the stretch compression didn't work, (control, shift, left bracket) I would go to inspector with all measures selected and in notes decrease the leading space and usually was able to get all measures on the same staff before my system break. In version 4 I tried the same approach and when all measures were on a single staff line, I noticed some of the first elements in a measure where displayed to the left of the new measure line and appearing in the previous measure. In this situation they happened to be rests, and not notes. I played around with applying leading space on measure by measure and in some cases working with the measure width with little success. In some situations I noticed that the leading space and width controls were unavailable ,not greyed out but not showing and option to make an adjustment. What is the procedure to do what I am trying to do. Attached is a score and I am working with measures 25 -28.

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