Updating bracket behavior

• Feb 19, 2023 - 18:32

Hi all,
I'm working on a piano score with three staves. My goal is to have the brackets set up for two staves when the system STARTS with two staves (even if a third staff appears in the second bar or something), and set up for three staves when the system starts with three staves. I was experimenting with the "Hide measures when empty" feature. Using it, I noticed it's impossible for the brackets to be set on two AND three staves on the same score (it looks like this) nG5eCfT95C.png

I was then informed of the "Hide STAFF when empty" feature (which for some reason is in a totally different place, so no wonder i didn't know of it). When using that, the score ends up looking like this, which is better but still not what I want (Here I'd like the first bar to be hidden) 6OzlGKsHx7.png

If I use the two options at the same time (hiding empty staff AND measures), it looks like this, which is AGAIN different, but still not what I want (here I'd like the bracket in the second system to be on TWO staves) tTGA3JM9yw.png

I'm aware this situation is very marginal so I wouldn't mind having to set up every bracket manually, my main issue here is that I can't even do that since they're all necessarily linked.
TL; DR: I'd like being able to resize each bracket manually, and I'd like the "Hide STAFF when empty" and "Hide MEASURES when empty" features to be in the same place to improve navigation.

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