Playback issues (notes not sounding)

• May 14, 2023 - 22:35

Not a super important issue, as there is an easy (but slightly annoying) fix that I've found works, but wanted to share regardless. I write for sax quartets, and I've found that in M4 there tends to be this strange problem which seems to occur whenever I'm working on a couple measures and doing a lot of playback in a short time frame, wherein one of the instruments will have a few measures which simply don't playback any sound. The measure I begin playback from tends to be fine, but a measure or two will pass and then suddenly one of the instruments blanks out, then comes back in a couple measures later. I can fix it by just copy/pasting the measure back over itself and then it plays back perfectly fine, but it can be annoying to have to do it multiple times in one session. Wondering if anyone else has had the same problem?

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