Musescore as a learning software indifferent to the learning methodology

• Jun 24, 2023 - 15:28

Hello, forgive me for my English.

I am a beginner in piano learning and before starting my studies I tried to find the best methodology for my studies. I can't have a private teacher for now, so I chose an online school from a teacher here in Brazil who seemed interesting to me.

I researched various methodologies, applications, websites, etc, etc. And I decided to choose this school and at the same time try to learn music theory and sheet music reading, where I discovered Musescore.

I wrote the first 3 scores of the course in Musescore to see how they should sound without having to go back and forth through the videos of the online course. And after that experience I thought about going further to improve my studies.

I know I'm at the beginning of learning but the basics of everything I've seen so far are:
- Train one hand at a time very slowly.
- Practice one hand at a time within a measure, even if it is slow.
- Train your hands together very slowly.
- Practice the melody with both hands in the correct measure.

The methodology is basically the same but the songs taught are different, some prefer to teach without having the numbering of the fingers, or the name of the notes, others with names of the notes and fingers, etc, etc. If in an application (like musescore, for example) we could write the scores we are learning with all the data we wanted to visualize (name of the notes, number of fingers, etc, etc) and we could choose what to do (train the right hand, train left hand, both, slow, fast, without the name of the notes, without the number of fingers, etc, etc) we could train in countless different ways, all within the methodology we are following.

I don't know how this would apply to other instruments, but in my case, I have an acoustic piano with a MIDI connection, it could have the function of seeing what I'm playing "superimposed" on the score, it would be perfect.

Forgive me for the long text and I don't know if I can mention other applications here but what I basically want to say is that I would like to do with my scores what simply piano, for example, does with his.

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