The input of notes from a Yamaha CP4 Stage Piano has stopped working.

• Jul 3, 2023 - 13:05

The input of notes from a Yamaha CP4 Stage Piano has worked in the past, but at present has stopped working.

It went through a period, two days ago, where the notes would come through, but the Input cursor would stop advancing, and all the new notes would pile onto the same chord. (Sorry I can't show you that.)

Both GarageBand and Pro Tools are receiving input from the CP4.

Note that the MIDI is passing through a Steinberg interface.

Chapter 2 of the Story (9:30pm):
I just tried doing input via a KORG MicroKey Air MIDI keyboard. This works. AND now the Yamaha CP4 input is working.
HOWEVER I am again getting the piling up of notes as mentioned above. So I can now provide the score showing this but. NOTE. These notes were all input in staccato fashion.

NOTE. The MIDI from the CP4 is in stereo, so I have to choose, in the I/O settings, to select either
- Steinberg UR22C Port 1 or
- Steinberg UR22C Port 2.

Currently it is set to Port 1.

NOTE: This is quite a transient problem. At least I know now to bring the program to its senses by giving it some input from the KORG.

NOTE: At times, earlier this evening, the on-board Musescore Piano keyboard was not working either. Frustrating!

MU 4.0.2
MacOS 13.4
Macbook M1 Pro

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Theme C BUG??.mscz 18.67 KB

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