Vertical frame height adjustment problems

• Oct 1, 2023 - 22:48

On a score, if you attempt to adjust the title vertical frame height using the properties panel before adjusting the height by clicking and dragging on the score, the frame height does not visually change, and stays at 10 units. This does not appear to resolve itself upon a save and reload. After adjusting the frame height by clicking and dragging on the score, the frame height setting in the properties panel works as usual.

This issue carries over to part propagation - if you generate parts in a score with a vertical frame height other than 10 units, it displays that frame height in the properties panel, but the visual frame height is still 10 units. The same thing happens if you apply the page settings to all parts - the vertical frame height changes in the properties panel but not visually on the part. Once again, after you adjust the frame height by clicking and dragging in the part, the frame height setting in the properties panel works - but going through and clicking/dragging each title vertical frame in a large ensemble work with many parts is very time consuming.

For reference, I have attached an example score where the vertical frame height setting in the properties panel does not match up with the visual appearance on the score/parts (except for the Trumpet 2 part, where I clicked and dragged to adjust the frame height). My system information is below, but this was an issue before upgrading to MacOS 14.1, and if I remember correctly this issue existed in MuseScore 3.x

System/Software information: MuseScore OS: macOS 14.1, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.1.1-232071203, revision: e4d1ddf

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