Barline after horizontal frame

• Nov 1, 2023 - 12:44

I'm working on a piece that is made up of many small musical ideas—think Terry Riley's "In C"—so I'm trying to create isolated bars with blank space before and after each. MuseScore does this quite easily with horizontal frames, but I'd like there to be a barline after each frame (that is, to the left of each new bar). MuseScore puts a clef there, which I don't want, but I can hide—no problem. But putting a barline there doesn't seem possible. To be clear: I want a regular solid barline, not a repeat barline.

I've attached the very beginning of the score. If you have a solution, or a suggestion for another way of doing it, I'm all ears. Thanks.

EDIT: I found the solution. For anybody else trying to figure out how to do this, go to Format > Style > Barlines, and tick the box for "Barline at start of single stave".

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