Focus jumps from Title to Cancel Button with Tab-Key | New Score Wizard

• Nov 12, 2023 - 22:31

Steps to reproduce
- Create a new Score
- Click into the Title and add a Title
- Press the tab key

Current bevahiour
The Cancel button becomes the next active element which is counter intuitive/efficent.

Desired Behaviour
Most likely, after the user enters the title the user want's to enter the other fields (Composer, Subitle, etc.).

Also jumping to the Cancel Button first is counter-intuitive, as in most cases, the Default action after entering the values, the user wan't accept (not Cancel or Back), so the order should be Done, Cancel Back.

Looking at the whole screen, my preference would be:
- Key signature is selected (but pop-up closed). If user clicks or presses enter, pop-up opens. If the user presses tab, the Time Signature gets focus next.
- In the key signature, tab and arrows cycle through the key signatures. Enter accepts and closes the popup. The question, how to switch to the minors: Intuitively I would have pressed Shift-Tab to get there, but there might be better options.
- Tempo: Enter changes the value of "Show tempo marking", but that would be done with Space. Enter should be accepting the values (here accept and close the pop-up), Esc would be "Revert and Close the pop-up"
- Anacrusis: suggest to rename to "Pick-up Bar" (After over 40 years of music, I had to google what this is, no doubt what you chose is the more correct term, but I understand more people out there understand a pick-up bar, and I might not be the only low-brow.

Attachment Size
screen_muse.jpg 156.73 KB

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