No Sound

• Apr 9, 2024 - 19:59

I am trying musescore - no sound.
Midi kbd was recognized by the sys. in pref. but a stupid thing - the software only reports midi indication when a value in the stave is selected. I find this to be a terrible choice, never the less there is no sound. I can see the Midi in indication in the mixer view and the sound being selected and shown in the mixer track - oh and by the way - isn't it a clever ide to hide the sound source to be used? great idea for newbies ..
but anyways even though I have properly selected and installed the sound fonts - both 1 by dragging it over the score window and 2 using the hub and installing from there - + I also have HALion7 vst sound in my computer - there is no sound.

Bests though.

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