Multiple sets of chord symbols

• Jun 7, 2024 - 08:37


I checked
this article for help.

But when I try to input a second set of chord symbols where there are no notes (say I want to have a different set of chord symbol on the 3rd beat of 4/4 but there is dotted half note followed by two eighths in the bar), the cursor and the chord symbol would just merge down into the first set of chords.

I think I read one of the answers nudging the users to manually move the chord symbols up and down to create the desired effect in a forum article that's older than the one I quoted.

Was there any development regarding this matter so far?
Or is manual adjustment still the best option?

I'm using second or even more sets of chords for one song for educational purposes pretty often (to show that it's possible to have many different versions of harmony for the same song). If more automatic input methods for multiple sets of chords were not here yet, I would like to suggest it as a new feature! It would save me a lot of time really (and hopefully for many others too hopefully).

I'm thinking maybe we could have an option to put in different sets of chords for different voices? (or would it be tricky if I don't already have multiple voices used in the melody?)
Or just simply can add a few different lines for the chord symbol as we do with the lyrics?

Thank you!!


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