exporting midi: program Change ok, but no selected bank

• Jul 4, 2024 - 19:54

I've noticed MuseScore Studio midi export is pretty good, but it lacks the bank change, which can confuse some external software.

For exemple this midi dump from a musescore studio 4.3.2 export gives:

000041 00 64 7f +0 = 0 : CtrlChg (ch:1 CC#100(RPNLSB ) val:127)(RunStat)
000044 00 65 7f +0 = 0 : CtrlChg (ch:1 CC#101(RPNMSB ) val:127)(RunStat)
000047 00 c0 49 +0 = 0 : ProgChg (ch:1 pg:73)

while a midi dump from an other sequencer (MusE-sequencer) export gives:
000071 00 00 00 +0 = 0 : CtrlChg (ch:2 CC#0 (BankSel) val:0)(RunStat)
000074 01 20 00 +1 = 1 : CtrlChg (ch:2 CC#32 (BankLSB) val:0)(RunStat)
000077 01 c1 21 +1 = 2 : ProgChg (ch:2 pg:33)

Could it be possible to add a control change for BankSel and BankLSB to make midi export more compatible with the General Midi specifications?

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