Adding a new instrument to MuseScore (Castilian Dulzaina)

• Jul 29, 2024 - 16:29


Sorry if this is not the right place to discuss this topic. If it is not, I would be grateful if you could redirect me to the correct one.

I play a popular Spanish instrument whose name is Dulzaina ( or ).

More specifically, Castilian dulzaina. Some examples:
- Playing folk tunes:
- Playing Bach melodies:

We have created a Soundfont for this instrument with Polyphone and patched a prerelease of MuseScore 4.4.0 to include this new instrument. Changes to any version (once approved by the MuseScore team) should be really easy.
We have added this new instrument to bank 11 and program 1 within “MS Basic.sf3” for testing purposes.

I would like to know what is the way, once approved, to include the support within the official version of MuseScore. I would also appreciate to know what bank and program the new instruments should have or if this MS Basic.sf3 file is the correct option to include them as well as who is in charge of merging the new instruments.

Any help ?.


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