Suggestion for better insertion of palette element

• Sep 4, 2024 - 13:51

I feel there is the need for a direct shortcut for accessing palettes (focus of UI element).

Then, whenever the palette is selected and enter is pressed, it should open with keyboard shortcuts hints to insert the element (see image).

For example: to insert a dim. line (see image), you type in the shortcut to access the palettes, navigate to the Lines palette, press Enter on keyboard, the palette opens like in the image and then, typing directly the letter 'd', the dim. line gets inputted.

This to make it faster to insert a palette element without having to revert to touching the mouse, this provides a faster workflow. At the moment, you need to pass every element in palette with arrow keys, making it very slow to insert the last elements at the bottom of the palette.

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Screenshot 2024-09-04 alle 14.44.17.png 20.32 KB

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