Unable to save files in Musescore?

• Sep 7, 2024 - 07:58

EDIT: I've solved the issue! It turns out that the drive I was trying to save to had finally reached max capacity. I've never had that happen to me before lol. Lesson learned, make sure there's space on your pc before you try to save.

I had MuseScore open last night while my pc was in sleep mode. I'm on Windows 11. When I woke up, my pc had either crashed or lost power. Luckily, my files were safe and no significant amount of progress was lost.

The problem is, I can no longer save anything in MuseScore. If I make any changes to pre-existing files AS WELL AS NEW FILES, I get an error popup saying "Your score could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred while saving this file".

I've done some testing, and this happens anytime I attempt to save anything, including pre-existing files, files that have content but have no changes to be saved, and even fresh completely blank files. It happens regardless if I use Save OR Save As.

I made an account to post this. In other words, I don't have a cloud account linked to MuseScore and have been saving all of my files locally in a folder in my D drive. MuseScore is installed on my C drive. Of note, anytime I attempt to save, I do find a new file at the same directory as the file I'm trying to save, with the same name as the file but with a .mscz_saving extension tied to the end of it. These new files are always 0kb in size.

I'm not really sure what to do about this. I've already updated MuseScore to the latest version and that hasn't fixed the issue either. I attached a diagnostic file from MuseScore if it's any use to anybody, but I doubt it as generating this ALSO resulted in a 0kb zip with nothing in it. Any help would be really appreciated!

Attachment Size
MusescoreDiag.zip 0 bytes

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