Plug-in/Palette Ideas

• Sep 12, 2024 - 09:54

I honestly love musescore and i love the direction it is going in with incorporating plugins into the software, but I feel like a more concerted effort could be put into making MuseScore the definitive DAW for the classical composer.
It would be amazing if some of the Palette elements could have some plugin-style parameters to them depending on what they are. For instance, with the latest update, you now can change where in the bar your hairpin starts and ends, and no longer need to have it anchored to a note. This a great step in reflecting composers' intentions, and a great foray into implementing automation into MuseScore.

Currently I see there are plugins for reverbs and delays, and the other traditional plugins one might find, but what if there was a plugin built into the trill ornament, perhaps, where one can adjust the speed of a trill, or automate it to give it more of a performance-like quality.
Or being able to drop down a "rit." but then also automate the speed at which the tempo slows down according to the composer's intent, etc.

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