The MIDI Channel has a problem

• Sep 20, 2024 - 18:37


I noticed a long time ago that the new versions of Musescore Studio have made a function that existed in the mixer disappear, so to speak. Let me explain, in older versions, for example, when you added a pizzicato to the strings, another MIDI channel was automatically added to the mixer as if it were an instrument change and it sounded like the pizzicato. However, with the new updates, that has disappeared, now, when you add a pizzicato, you can clearly hear the sound change, but it remains on the same MIDI Channel as the strings. This resulted in the fact that when it is exported in MIDI format to open in another software, it does not recognize the pizzicato, but instead it appears next to the same MIDI channel as the strings, causing confusion when assigning the sounds.

My point is, I don't know if they did it this way to reduce space in the mixer, or if it was something they overlooked. And if there is a solution in musescore itself, or how can I take this question to the developers so they can give me a clear answer or if they can fix it.

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