Vertical Adjustment of Beams Over Rests

• Sep 28, 2024 - 22:33

I've noticed this bug since before 4.4, but I was hoping it would be fixed since the new update. Pretty often in my scores, beams over rests will get vertically offset randomly while editing completely unrelated elements of the score (e.g. I'll do something like add a hairpin on one page, and the score won't change in any way other than some beams on the next page moving). I've also noticed that pressing undo will not change the position of the beams, and will instead only undo the unrelated action I made. It's tough to predict when this will happen, but it also happens when changing the position of other beams over rests, and that's what I've attached images of. You can see that the two sets of beams over 16ths are both covering up the rests within them—this was caused by the initial issue I described. What ALSO happens is when I correct one beam, the other one will move accordingly. The first photo shows the beam I was adjusting, and the second shows how after I adjusted it, the second beam over rests also moves. This seems like another part of the same glitch, though the initial issue I described is far more irritating, and it means I can never be done with a score because I have to constantly check other pages that may have changed since last checking them. Is this a known bug?

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