Note durations; way to facilitate use with MIDI; ideas for you regarding note selection and durations.

• Oct 13, 2024 - 12:46

Here goes, and please forgive my possibly incorrect terminology in advance; given that limitation I'll do my best to describe what I mean and it should be easy to do for someone experienced with coding this software already. First, I'm on a Win 11 system and recently migrated from older Kurzweil stuff like Cakewalk Pro Audio 8/9 ( which my install discs were stolen for :-/ )

First, if selecting notes were possible the way that Windows OSes permit in general, but that was facilitated internally by Cakewalk it would be awesome! Then, I could easily say transpose a section or quantize a small section, or change some feature of the midi events en masse.

MOST IMPORTANTLY THO, and I'm 90% certain anyone who's worked with MIDI will agree with this feature being reintroduced for MS 4.* would be the ability to have a true MIDI event modding interface such that I could right click and "edit event" or even view that way as well as a numerical input next to the step input notes that would allow me to manually or en masse after selecting change the numerical duration of the notes which would be useful for specification of ringing out of notes as if you were up strumming a guitar or something... so if your quarter note = 80 and you wanted to get E G B E you could easily place the events in with the step default input as quarter notes then make each ring for 320, 240, 160, 80 for a measure of 4/4...
I hope that's clear enough. If you select the note it should display it in a box rather than only along the bottom after pitch where it reads "Duration: " instead have an input box next to the notes or the input pen icon where it numerically displays duration, plus facilitate selecting individual parts on the staves (so like in a drum line I don't have to so confusingly 'add to chord' to simply have a snare and foot closing high hat after open high hat...) make it easier to simply add the notes in on whichever voice you like, then put durations for the individual notes without having the events already inputted be changed by the addition of some new event that's supposed to be a separate note with a possibly unique duration in the case of arpeggiated chords or substitutions of notes for a melody line while finger picking a basic root and perfect fifth having a ringing melody line from the same instrument would be easier to do that way and make this the ultimate music DAW, tool in my not so freaking humble opinion. Keep up the awesome good work, cuz I absolutely love what you've done so far and keep trying to test the limits of all of it!

the F Word

PS, for the time being I'm going to be testing a free midi event editor as a stop gap. I'll let you know what I use so you can get ideas and give credit...

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