Customized event ( note & duration buttons or text input boxes ) adding and editing...

• Oct 19, 2024 - 11:41

I know that MuseScore Studio wasn't initially intended as a MIDI event editor per se; forgive me if I'm asking a lot here, but I'm coming from a background with Kurzweil stuff, Cakewalk in particular and using SoundBlaster stuff from older WinNT OSes... anyhow, I've posted similar requests and would absolutely love it if MuseScore Studio had the following.

So, if you could:
box select notes off the measure that'd be cool.
create a custom note input button that let you numerically put a value ( let's say you want your least common multiple for eight notes to be some prime number to your liking and you want to create a time signature with a denominator having this for any denomination...maybe 16th notes or 32nd notes who knows what for ) and you want to create a duration for these's the catch: every time you input a new event it creates, possibly temporally overlapping or ringing as in strummed acoustic strings notes with a specified duration that's quantized to the eighth or sixteenth steps, et cetera that resolves to whatever you've decided your best "least common multiple" prime value is for the tune expression.

I really hope I'm not mixing up my math with my musical wants here too much for people, but I think the coders will understand what I'm requesting. It would sort of be like having a built in MIDI editor like that open source program MIDIEditor as an interface for tweaking stuff, but internally consistent as part of a DAW here...
Being able to select groups of notes and truly fine edit events the way you could with Cakewalk right off the staff using a box select then tell them all to register as fitting to a grid of 32nd notes or something with a duration that could be fine tuned numerically or symbolically better than the current interface allows under note properties would be freaking priceless. Also, if you could define a custom note step input button that would allow you to simply hit the shortcut after the 'n' is specified and highlight your custom valued note/event that would have a custom place in the time signature that new events would appear ( say 8th...128th notes IDK, whatever ) then also have a custom duration ( say dotted 8th notes or even an explicit numerical duration based upon how you defined your tempo numerically or something like this )

So, far this is still my favorite open source interface and is awesome for teaching theory as well as writing new stuff. It has most of my favorite features from the Kurzweil stuff. My only complaint is loss or corruption of data when having to use 3rd party tools to expand the capabilities of this interface by exporting then importing, back and forth. I like the idea that this will continue to be platform interoperable also. That is ethically and as an underlying theme important to me, as well. Next time I'll include a file that I've written something in for you with like custom key signatures...if you could continue with that sort of customization but with actual MIDI event interface it would be wonderful. I know that I'm asking a lot, but it's really important to me.

Feel free to email me directly, as I think this is linked somehow, if I've been confusing in any way. I also see how this could be developed into something completely amazing as an open source way of integrating various artwork types using VR. Another discussion for another time perhaps with regard to that.

Sincere thanks.

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