Final Fantasy X-2 Theme

• Oct 11, 2010 - 18:15

This is my first experience with MuseScore, so there are some parts that I had to rearrange due to my inexperience in music and this program. For example, instead of using grace notes, I used 64th notes because the grace notes didn't make a sound. I don't know if this is operator error or just program limitation, but the 64th notes still sound good.

As the title says, this is the opening theme to the video game "Final Fantasy X-2". When I first heard it, I thought it needed a cello accompaniment. It ended up sounding better with a bass. It's a beautiful piece and I hope you enjoy it.

Here is the link to the professionally played score

Attachment Size
Eternal Memory of Lightwaves.mscz 16.28 KB

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