Companion to Alfred's "Essentials of Music Notation"

• Oct 24, 2010 - 15:23

I recently purchased Alfred's "Essentials of Music Notation" by Tom Gerou and Linda Lusk. This is an excellent dictionary of notation, something I have been looking for for many years. It takes a definition-by-example approach, showing notation examples and illustrations for each entry.

The book intentionally does not reference any particular scoring tool. I would like to suggest that we make a companion examples book for musescore, showing step-by-step how to implement each of the examples in the Essentials book in musescore.

Such a book might lend itself well to a wiki approach: one online page for each term in the Essentials book; each page contains an image of the recommended notation as done in musescore, along with the steps used to produce it; multiple authors, so no one person bears the load of the work.

I would be happy to write up some of the examples, as I'm sure many people other fluent with musescore would be.

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