Measure Exchange feature

• Oct 4, 2015 - 01:10

(The post is mostly a duplicate of a reply I made earlier today to a different post, but it showed up as a Feature Request issue (forum post titled "Swap Notes in Measures Feature (Crucial TimeSaver)", and didn't appear here. Sorry ...)

I would like to see a "Measure Exchange" feature. This was discussed in a different post, but it didn't appear to ever be resolved because of user interface questions.

When I am composing, I frequently find myself deciding that a set of measures should be swapped between parts. The way I do this now is to either (1) create a "scratch" staff, copy measures there, copy other part's measures to the original part, and finally re-copy the original copied measures the destination part; or (2) do a similar thing, but copy to some blank measures on an existing part instead of using a scratch staff. Either way, some have said that's a simple procedure, but I find it to be a pain.

In the other post, questions arose about how the user interface would work.
How about the following?

1. The user selects one or more "source" measures in one staff.

2. A menu (either the main menu, or the context menu via a right-click) would have a command to exchange these selected measures with measures in the same position from another part. The menu item (perhaps a sub-folder-like item, that itself expands to show other choices) would contain a list of other staves/parts, from which one is chosen as the exchange "destination". The menu could be named something like "Exchange Measures > with part X".

The Voice Exchange feature sort of looks something like this (under Edit | Voices).

I'm not (necessarily) interested in selection & exchange of partial measures -- but maybe that would work as well (?). Anyway, a simple exchange of whole measures would suffice for the majority of my needs.

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