Virtual Piano Keyboard: Parts & Colors

• Dec 16, 2015 - 18:18


When I use Musescore to play an SATB + Piano piece, and there are more than one part on the piano, they all show up as one color, the brightish yellow one. I think that we should be able to adjust the color that the key turns when you play the note, and that different parts should be able to be toggled on or off, and when on, you can set the color of the part different than the piano line.

For example: if I had SATB + piano closed score, I would like to have the piano stay the yellow color on the virtual keyboard, and for the vocal sta(ff/ves) , have all of the parts green on the piano, so when those specific notes play on that staff, they will be green and distinguishable from the yellow keys being played by the piano line.

Thanks, and keep me posted!


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