Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Sort ascending Version Replies Last updated
Instrument changing in the parts causes crash closed P0 - Critical 3.0 7 4 years
Attempt to "copy" Trill line causes a crash closed P0 - Critical 3.3 3 4 years
Crash on undoing removal of time signature closed P0 - Critical 3.0 5 5 years
Staff text unexpectedly repositions when "Set to style" is pressed for different element closed P0 - Critical 3.0 21 5 years
Some Tours strings show up as untranslated closed P0 - Critical 3.0 14 5 years
Lyrics: select all and "X" causes program to freeze closed P0 - Critical 3.0 26 5 years
Mid-measure barline from the palette isn't deletable closed P0 - Critical 3.0 10 5 years
Crash when adding text in a score containing middle beam on a rest closed P0 - Critical 3.1 7 4 years
Wrong measure number when starting with a multimeasure rest duplicate P0 - Critical 3.x-dev 2 5 years
Continuous View: Volta changes Tempo of Playback closed P0 - Critical 3.0 29 5 years
Crash when using 'Image capture' closed P0 - Critical 3.x-dev 9 4 years
'After' grace notes appear superimposed on main note in short measures closed P0 - Critical 3.0 9 5 years
Manual adjustment to system divider (including making invisible) lost on save closed P0 - Critical 3.0 6 5 years
Segfault when selecting multi-measure rest and applying section break closed P0 - Critical 3.0 10 5 years
Crash when switching to continuous view on a particular score closed P0 - Critical 3.0 4 5 years
MuseScore crashes when launched without synthesizer (with -s option) closed P0 - Critical 3.2 6 4 years
Crashing marking instruments invisible with hide empty staves enabled closed P0 - Critical 3.0 6 5 years
Launch Timewise Input Mode causes crash closed P0 - Critical 3.0 19 5 years
Regression - 3.0 doesn’t distinguish between fingerings and LH guitar fingerings. closed P0 - Critical 3.0 47 5 years
Double barline not synced in a score with parts closed P0 - Critical 3.0 28 5 years
Edit beam spanning two measures if shorter value in the other voice results in crash closed P0 - Critical 3.0 7 4 years
[Feedback form] Printing A5 landscape doesn't work duplicate P0 - Critical 3.0 1 5 years
Adjustment handles don't disappear immediately after undoing adding element closed P0 - Critical 3.4 10 4 years
Segfault on opening Mixer, Play Panel, Synthesizer closed P0 - Critical 3.0 7 5 years
Chord symbol playback: copy-paste results in crash closed P0 - Critical 3.x-dev 8 4 years