Music Search

EDIT3: clarified what you can select
EDIT2: fixed some bugs: the score pointer ran off the deep end...
EDIT: for background see
my comments from Aug 24 2023 on

This MU 3.6 plugin finds all equivalents of your selection in a score. (Select 1 or more chords or measures on 1 or more staves. The plugin detects the match with the selection but does not report it. So if you select everything you get 0 matches reported)

By equivalents I mean not only exact copies but also transpositions and/or inversions of selected chords. In single note melodies only exact copies are detected.

Adjust var measure in a plain text editor as needed: default is 1920 for 4/4
In scores with time sig changes the reported measure will be wrong

There is output to console.log and to Notepad.

The plugin is ‘slow’ on complex scores. Just be patient. The piano version of La Valse by Ravel (755 measures) takes 2’15’’ on my ‘reasonable’ system.

Issue Tracker

API compatibility
Plugin categories
Attachment Size
MusicSearch.qml 43.39 KB