Piano finger exercises

A user asked (https://musescore.org/en/node/361130) how to create Philipp Exercises for Independence of the Fingers. I took a stab at that, but preparing a table with all the notes took longer than entering the notes themselves.

But this gave me the idea that we might as well be ‘gründlich’ and have the fingers exercise all 12345 permutations. This MU3x plugin does that. It may - or may not - run in MU4.

To choose notes open the plugin in a text only editor, search for:
var notes
and uncomment 5 chosen notes. These get assigned to fingers 1 to 5. Default selection = c, eb, gb, ab, c.

Prepare an output .mscz file with enough rests as desired. The plugin blindly assigns the next note to the next rest, so the rhythmic structure can be anything you want.

To test: open before.mscz and run FingerEx.mscz. Results should be as in after.mscz

Issue Tracker

API compatibility
Plugin categories
Attachment Size
FingerEx.qml 6.38 KB
before.mscz 16.74 KB
after.mscz 28.31 KB