Simple Notation creator (font: x-Vacle needed)

This is a musical notation plugin:
- It displays a musical staff in simplified notation on "Staff_Text."
- It must be used with the "XVACLE" font.

The current version is 1.0 and includes essential features such as:
- Pitch, ranging from C2 to B6.
- Duration values, ranging from 32nd notes to whole notes (including rests).

It doesn't yet include features like:
- Triplets, quintuplets.
- Ties, slurs.
- Barlines.

In the code, the annotations are written in Traditional Chinese.
If you encounter garbled characters or have any issues,
you can try saving the QML file with "UTF-8" encoding and then reopening it,
this should help resolve your problem.

Since I'm not familiar with coding for this plugin, I'm optimistic that someone with the expertise can voluntarily optimize this version.

Note: The two attachments provided are:
- Pure QML code.
- A zip compressed file containing QML code, plugin cover, XVACLE font and it's open-source statement.

Issue Tracker

API compatibility
Plugin categories
Batch processing
Notes & Rests
Simplified notation