VLC Sync for Film Scoring

To set up, go to settings in VLC and enable "HTTP web interface"

Then click "show all" and go to Interface > Main interfaces > Lua > and set password as "Test". You can set it to something else by changing the plugin code.

enter a value in the jump to time section and click "Go" to set Musescore and VLC both to that time. "Play/Pause" starts and stops both apps together from wherever they're currently positioned.

Auto-sync VLC syncs Musescore and VLC to the same time on play (sometimes VLC takes a second or so to sync up) and then stops them both when you pause in Musescore.

UPDATE: Fixed Auto-sync, made a compact version

Update again. Redid the UI with Musescore elements. Now it matches Musescore theme.

V3.9 - uses Muse buttons, has a settings page to reduce clutter, includes an offset feature and a ton of stability tweaks. There is no longer a compact version, since the new version is smaller than the old compact version, but includes more options than the old full version.

Demo video, courtesy of Carl Irwin Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSS_FULMt6g&ab_channel=CarlIrwinMusic

Issue Tracker

API compatibility
Plugin categories
Composing tools
Third-party integration
Attachment Size
vlc-sync-3.1 Compact.qml 30.38 KB
vlc-sync-3.1 v5.qml 31.54 KB
vlc-sync-3.9.qml 42.71 KB
VLC Sync 3.9-1.png 162.81 KB
VLC Sync 3.9-2.png 163.6 KB